Soft Tissue Grafts Fort Collins: Keep Smiling with Confidence

Soft Tissue Grafts Fort Collins: Grafting the soft tissue involves expanding the teeth' gums when the gum line recovers. This is due to the shrinkage of the gum, which makes the teeth appear larger since the gum line is dilated. The primary purpose behind grafting the tissues is covering the root exposed and increasing the quality and thickness of the tissue in your gums. The exposed areas of the tooth are visually attractive and can cause sensitivity and become more susceptible to infection. This will ensure that any gum pain comes to an end. 

What Is a Soft Tissue Graft? 

Soft tissue grafts are an oral procedure utilized to treat patients suffering from receding gums. The tissues are taken out of another area of the mouth and placed over the teeth' exposed roots. This process applies to all regions within the gumline that must be strengthened. 

When the gum line starts receding, it exposes the tooth's root and causes many problems. Teeth may become sensitive and loose, and, in extreme cases, there might be a region of bone loss that has lost its covering. It could be due to many reasons like arduous brushing or dental tissue that can be thin. It could also result from gingivitis or other periodontal diseases. Soft tissue grafts can aid in healing the wound and prevent further recession regardless of what the cause might be.

What Happens During a Soft Tissue Graft? 

Soft tissue grafts are obtained in three forms, and the method used for you will depend on your medical needs. The methods used to graft include: 

Connective tissue grafts comprise most of the widely utilized methods of dealing with root expose. In this method, the flap of the skin is removed from the roof of the mouth, and the tissue below the flap is then taken to be stitched until the root. 

If your gums are not as thick and require additional tissue to fill them out, the periodontist may provide you with free gingival grafts similar to those used in connective tissue transplants. Instead of creating an opening and then removal of tissue from the skin's upper layer of flesh, a small amount of tissue is taken off the roof of your gums. It is later grafted onto the area affected. 

If you have lots of gum tissue surrounding your teeth, you could receive pedicle grafts, in which your gum tissues are placed around the tooth, which requires treatment. 

Dentists can also transplant material from tissues banks rather than the roof of the oral cavity. In certain instances, proteins help stimulate tissues to boost our bodies' ability to construct the tissues and bone. Your dentist can guide you on the most efficient approach suitable for your situation. 

In some cases, it is possible to detect the recession of gums close to just one tooth. This may indicate that the gum tissue could be removed from a nearby tooth and then separated to cover the teeth of both the first tooth and the one causing damage to the gum tissue. It is known as a pedicle graft. It is the least common but is the most effective since the connection between gum tissue and tissue remains in the same place. If there is not sufficient tissue in the dental area to protect the exposed teeth, there is an alternative of using synthetic tissue. This type of graft designed for soft tissue is typically the final choice. 

Types of Gum Grafting and Procedures 

There is a range of soft tissue transplantation techniques that an experienced periodontist ought to consider depending on your specific demands. 

Connective tissue transplants 

The procedure is standard for adults in all situations in which patient satisfaction is the essential factor. It involves removing a tissue section from the front of your mouth and then another tissue beneath the flap. This is referred to as the subepithelial connective tissue. 

Pedicle grafts 

Our periodontists can combine pedicle grafts and connective tissue grafts to provide more predictability of the roots' coverage in the case of excessive root exposure. This type of graft needs a "sharing" of soft tissue between the location of concern and the gum adjacent to it. It is accomplished by carefully taking off the flap of tissue and releasing it with the blood flow. Following the procedure, the tissues that are transferred to the region next to it are a source of blood vessels that remain in the area that heals when the operation is completed. 

Free gingival graft 

This procedure is similar to connective tissue transplants. Free gingival grafts require the use of tissue that is located on the roof or the top of your teeth. It is different because small amounts of tissues are taken from the roof of your mouth and then grafted to your gums. This is an excellent option for thin gums, requiring additional tissue growth and support. 

Benefits of Soft Tissue Grafting 

Patients who have any of these symptoms or issues could be suitable for transplantation of soft tissue: 

Root sensitivity 

As your gums begin to recede and the roots begin appearing, you might experience pain and discomfort of sensitivity in the root, especially when you consume hot, cold, or sweet drinks and food items. It is a pain that can be excruciating. 

Tooth Decay 

The constant tooth exposure because of recession can make the tooth susceptible to decay, which is why you might want to think about dental implants. 

A smile that's not appealing 

Your smile is one of the first things people will notice about you. Gum grafting could improve your smile's appearance and give you the confidence you have always wanted. Because of receding gums, you can feel uncomfortable due to your smile line. 

Receding gums 

Perhaps you are experiencing the first signs of the recession of your gum. In this scenario, you may need to think about performing a gum graft promptly to avoid future complications resulting from the condition. 

A gum recession may be a familial issue with a history within families. If you have an extensive history of receding gums within your family and show signs of it, you may be in need of dental implants. Soft tissue grafts can be an excellent method to replace a portion of the soft tissue that has been lost and restore a gorgeous smile. The graft does not need to be relocated from one area in the mouth most of the time. Additionally, as time passes, the techniques have improved. 

The benefits of soft tissue grafting include: 

  • It protects the tooth from bacteria and infection. 
  • Reduces the risk of decay and cavities 
  • Improve your smile and improve the appearance of your overall look and your dental structure 
  • Can create a healthier environment for other procedures, for example, dental implants. 

Recovery and Aftercare 

The procedure of grafting soft tissue is likely to last less than 2 hours, depending on the extent of the intervention. If you and your dentist decide not to use general anesthesia, you may be able to leave the dental practice immediately after the procedure. The period of recovery can vary from one to two weeks. During this period, you could be experiencing pain or discomfort within the region that the graft is being treated. 

In the meantime, while the graft has healed, it is essential to: 

  • Consume only soft food items like yogurt, vegetables made-to-order, ice cream, and scrambled eggs. 
  • Ensure you select cold food items that do not cause irritation or burns to your gums. 
  • Do not floss or rub the area where the graft is placed because this could cause open wounds, which can then result in cuts and injuries. 
  • Use a mouthwash that is antimicrobial to prevent the formation of plaque and infections. 
  • There are a variety of over-the-counter prescription medications for pain in case you experience any. 

The dentist will schedule an appointment within two weeks following the procedure. At this stage, the dentist will cut off the stitches and then determine whether the graft has adequately formed and healed well. 

Suppose you are experiencing unusual signs such as bleeding that does not stop when you apply pressure for more than twenty minutes or experiencing pain, swelling, and bruises. In that case, the dentist might advise you to be careful. Your dentist may recommend additional medications to help ease the pain in these situations. 

A soft tissue grafts process is a fairly straightforward procedure that can restore the appearance and health that your mouth should have. This simple procedure may be exactly what you need to avoid developing gum recession in the future and the risk of developing infections and cavities, and decay. 

Guided Bone and Tissue Regeneration: Rebuilding a Strong Foundation for Dental Implants
Grafting Techniques Unveiled: The Benefits and Procedure of Gum Grafting Surgery
Crown Lengthening: A Solution for Gummy Smile and Restorative Dentistry Needs

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1136 E Stuart St Bldg. 4 Suite 103, Fort Collins, CO 80525, United States

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