Understanding Gum Recession: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention Tips

Gum recession refers to the gradual pulling away of gum tissue from the teeth, leaving the tooth roots exposed and making them more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. This common oral health issue can have several causes, such as periodontal disease, overly aggressive tooth brushing, and other factors that impact the health and function of your teeth and gums. Gum recession can not only be unsightly, affecting the appearance of your smile but can also lead to significant dental problems if left untreated. Understanding the causes, available treatment options, and preventative measures for gum recession is essential in maintaining a healthy mouth and beautiful smile.

At Fort Collins Periodontics and Dental Implants, our team of experienced specialists, led by Dr. Livingston, is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to address gum recession and other periodontal issues. Early detection and treatment of gum recession can help prevent further damage to your gums and teeth, preserving your oral health. Depending on the cause and severity of gum recession, various treatment options are available, such as periodontal therapies, surgical interventions, and changes to your oral care routine.

In this post, we will provide an in-depth exploration of gum recession, including an overview of the common causes and the potential consequences if left untreated. Furthermore, we will outline the various treatment options available at Fort Collins Periodontics and Dental Implants that are tailored to address your specific needs. Additionally, we will share valuable tips for preventing gum recession and maintaining good oral health practices.

Stay tuned as we guide you through everything you need to know about gum recession, empowering you to take control of your oral health and maintain a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles.

Common Causes of Gum Recession

Several factors can contribute to gum recession, some of which can be avoided or corrected with proper care and attention. Common causes of gum recession include the following:

1. Periodontal Disease: Inflammation and infection caused by gum disease can lead to the breakdown of gum tissue and the supporting bone structure, causing the gums to recede.

2. Aggressive Tooth Brushing: Brushing your teeth too hard or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can damage the gum tissue and cause it to pull away from the teeth.

3. Teeth Grinding or Clenching: The excessive force applied to your teeth during grinding or clenching can cause gum tissue to recede over time.

4. Tobacco Use: Smoking or using smokeless tobacco products can cause a buildup of sticky plaque on the teeth, leading to gum recession.

5. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, particularly in women during pregnancy or menopause, can cause gum tissue to become more sensitive and susceptible to recession.

Potential Consequences of Gum Recession

When left untreated, gum recession can lead to several dental problems, including the following:

1. Tooth Sensitivity: Exposed tooth roots can become sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, making it uncomfortable to consume certain foods and drinks.

2. Tooth Decay: The exposed roots are more susceptible to decay due to the lack of protective enamel covering the root surface and the increased chances of plaque buildup.

3. Tooth Loss: As gum recession progresses and the supporting bone structure becomes compromised, teeth can become loose and eventually require extraction.

Treatment Options for Gum Recession

The treatment approach for gum recession depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. At Fort Collins Periodontics and Dental Implants, we offer a range of treatment options tailored to address your specific needs:

1. Improved Oral Hygiene Practices: Proper brushing and flossing techniques can help remove plaque buildup and prevent gum recession. In some cases, simply adopting better oral hygiene habits can halt the progression of gum recession.

2. Periodontal Therapy: If gum disease is the cause of gum recession, non-surgical periodontal treatments, such as scaling and root planing, or more advanced treatments like pocket reduction surgery, can help address the issue.

3. Occlusal Adjustment or Mouthguard: If teeth grinding or clenching is causing gum recession, adjusting your bite or prescribing a custom mouthguard can help relieve pressure on your teeth and gums and prevent further recession.

4. Gum Grafting: In more severe cases of gum recession, surgical intervention such as gum grafting can help restore the gum tissue. During this procedure, gum tissue is taken from another part of the mouth and attached to the receding gums, covering the exposed tooth roots and improving aesthetics.

Prevention Tips for Gum Recession

Maintaining proper oral hygiene and adopting healthy habits can help prevent gum recession and the dental problems associated with it. Here are some tips to keep your gums and teeth healthy:

1. Brush Gently: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth using gentle, circular motions to prevent gum damage.

2. Floss Regularly: Flossing daily can help remove plaque buildup between teeth and contribute to overall gum health.

3. Regular Dental Checkups: Visit your dentist at least twice a year for professional cleanings and examinations, which can help detect and address gum recession in its early stages.

4. Quit Smoking: Discontinuing tobacco use can significantly improve your oral health and decrease the risk of gum recession.

5. Monitor Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations can impact gum health, so it's essential to keep your dentist informed of any changes, such as pregnancy or menopause, and follow their recommendations for addressing potential dental concerns.


Gum recession is a common oral health issue that can have significant consequences if left untreated. By understanding the causes, recognizing the signs, and taking preventative measures, you can help protect your gums and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. 

At Fort Collins Periodontics and Dental Implants, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal oral health and providing personalized care for your unique needs. If you are concerned about gum recession or any other dental issues, contact us today for a consultation with a Fort Collins Periodontist!

Guided Bone and Tissue Regeneration: Rebuilding a Strong Foundation for Dental Implants
Grafting Techniques Unveiled: The Benefits and Procedure of Gum Grafting Surgery
Crown Lengthening: A Solution for Gummy Smile and Restorative Dentistry Needs

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Tue - Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

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Monday: Closed Media Room


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1136 E Stuart St Bldg. 4 Suite 103, Fort Collins, CO 80525, United States

Located in: Stuart Professional Park

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